On the night of the HBO documentary's airing, Dicky's family, and Dicky himself in prison, are horrified to see that it is called Crack in America and depicts how crack addiction ruined Dicky's career and life. Dicky begins training and trying to get his life together in prison. Micky is lured back into boxing by his father, who believes Alice and his stepson Dicky are bad influences and did more damage to his career than good. The other members of his training team and a new manager, Sal Lanano, persuade Micky to return to boxing with the explicit understanding that his mother and brother will no longer be involved. They place Micky in minor fights to help him regain his confidence. He is then offered another major fight against an undefeated up-and-coming boxer. During a prison visit, Dicky advises Micky on how best to work his opponent, but Micky feels his brother is being selfish and trying to restart his own failed career. During the actual match, Micky is nearly overwhelmed, but then implements his brother's advice and triumphs; he earns the title shot for which his opponent was being groomed.
championship manager 2010 crack december
He was the longest tenured broadcaster with a single team in pro sports history, a gracious commentator and storyteller, and a true fan of the game, even when his beloved Dodgers were behind. Vin Scully (November 29, 1927-August 2, 2022) began in the 1950s with the Brooklyn Dodgers, when the "Bums" fielded such stars as Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese, and followed the team to Los Angeles, announcing the exploits of such legends as Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale, Steve Garvey and Don Sutton. And while the team changed rosters and managers many times over, Scully was in the announcing booth as the Voice of the Dodgers for nearly seven decades, including for six World Series championships.
THE MOJRNTuNTG TIMES, isUKDAY, DECEMBER 27, IStfS.10K1NGS0FTHESILEKTSTEED"Wonderful Records of Entrantsfor the Six-Day Race.MANY VETERANS OF THE TRACKMen Are Ready for the Pistol'sCrack at 2 o'Clock Tomorrow.How They Are Fed in TheirEight Hours a-I)ay on the Wheel.Side Features of the Meet.Promptly at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon tlte crack of the starter's pistol willsend tlic rider or the grand internationalsix-day bicycle contest off on tlic firsteight hours or their long sprint.With tlie exception of the recently concluded race at Madison Square Garden,New York, there has ncer been such anotable collection of riders gathered atone track .durum the entile history ofbicycle racing. The race will he of worldwide interest, ah the list of entries includes riderb from a iiumhei of Europeancountries. England, France. Germany,Scotland, Ireland and Wales are all represented m the tournament, and nationalpride will awake the most lively interestin the daily progress of the raceisThe racewill undoubtedly he infinitelymore interesting to spectators because ofthe eight-hour per day rule in place ofthe go-as-you-please race, such as therecent one in New York. In the go as-youplease race the riders can leave the trackto eat and sleep, or may slow down to amere snail's pace, thus causing the Interest of the spectators to lag In theeight-hour race, elicit as the one at Convention Hall is to be, the riders mustepnnt without a let-up. nor can theyleave their wheels for food or rest withoutalmost certainlv losing all chance of finishing with the leaders. The rider mustcapture his food very much after thefashion of the youngsters who take therings from the back of the merry-go-ioundflying horse This nourishment is prepared on oil stoves just outside the track,and as the rider sings out that he ishungry omnll cylindrical tin cans aie filledand held out for the raeei to grab ashe shoots by.IMc-e Is Too Hot.Though the oight-bour-n-day lace will"be of such super or interest to the averageupectatoi. It lops not find f.ivoi with theraceis ns one would naturally spj)ost. tobe the case They think eight hours ofriding at top speed is too much for theendurarc c f am i ider. as rot a moment'srest can he btaincd It is a otsibilityAlbert Schools on Hi.- Wheel.that .several of the uders may drop outafter the fiiM or second das racingIn addition to the six -day race therewill be attractions sufficient to mouse theenthusiasm of any cycling audience. Inthis line the most pi eminent attractionwill be Tom Linton in insniglitly attemptstolowci Aiiicikan recoids at various distancep, iKtth paced and uupaced Linton'srecord has been to frequently publishedthat it it- unnecessary to give a list of hisperformances It is enough to say thathe holds world's, records foi one, three,four, five, seven, eight and nine lAouisHe conies of a note d racing family, bothIlls brothers having Avon fame on varioustracks m Eiuopean countries. All threeof the biotheis were formerly miners, andIt was an accident which started them ontheir cai eel as woild beaters It is doubt -fulwhether any man living can defeatLinton at :mv distance up to ten milesEddie Bald, the American champion, willbe another "solo" rider to go againstthe various records each night Bald's($CXj jjipjcareer on the track, and his recent victoriesare too fresh in the mind of the public toneed exploiting. Like Linton, his attemptsat the records will be both paced and unpacked. No doubt a great deal of Interest will betaken in comparing the respective showingOf the English and American championsthough there is no chance of seeing thempitted against each other.Beside these attempts at record smashing there will undoubtedly be many sidematches between members of the Englishand American teams. As in the New Yorkcontest, racers such as Starbuck, of Philadelphia: Goodman, of New York, and otherswill hn the privilege or challenging thevarious cracks, and the contests resultingfrom these challenges will add very considerably to the interest all through thetournament.Who the Racers Are.The records of the different riders whoare entered would cover many columns orspace, so only a general sketch. Includingthe beginning of their careers and theirmost notable performaucis on the track, willbe givenOne or the best known of the Americancontingent of raceis is Charles W Ashinger, or New Hope. Ohio, who was loinJust thirty-seven j ears ago He is perhapsthe oldest hand al long distance riding orany or the contestants, una he is a veteranslx-.lay man, holding the present eighthour per day record. He had not been riding three months when he won the one,two anil three-mile State championshtpsorOhio in 'he year or 188 1.In ISD1 he went in ror his first eigjithour sex en-day race at San Francisco,winning the event by only half a lap oerRobb, and making 870 miles. In the sameyear he entered the six-day race held atiladison Square Garden, winning it andputting 1,040 miles to his credit. For acontest or such duration the finish in thisrace was remarkably close, Ashinger winning b only six miles from Lamb. lalS'Jt he entered the twenty-four hour sixday race at Madison Square Garden, butwas defeated by the "Flying Dutchman,""Waller, by four miles.In the recently Tinlshed race at MadisonSquare he rode in rather poor form, although he was one or the riders who brokethe previous record of 1,000 miles. Heis confident that he will retain the chainpionshlpv in the coming race, as he is inexcellent condition.Besides his abilities as a rider, he is areooj-'nl'cd expert in the construction ofwooden lacing tracks, and it is under hissupervision that the Convention Hall trackis lieing pur in Tins track is the sameone deigned by him Tor the MadisonSqiuuc races, which gave such b.itisr.ictionto the contestants. Ashmger's chainpionship race was won on a fifteen-laptrack at Boston in lfe'Ji, on an uprightwheel.Albeit Sihock, the ex-champion six-dayracer, is another veteran oi iiieir.u K.anuin-the lecent New York rate he made1.700 miles against his own former recordof 1.000 miles Sehock first came intoprominence ;ia pedestrian, in 1S7G, winning the six-day heel-and-toe race, andcoveting 121 miles, His next performancewas a six-day -go-as-you-please matchagainst entiles in Chicago, and he wonthis content alsoIn lt-83 nis first 1 icycle race occurred,which was a six day-go-ns-yoii-plea.sematch in this he seemed fourth place."Won the Championship.Aftei this he resumed his lontestsagaiustrunning horses, but in l8 he entered thesix-day laceat MiiiiicapoUs,Miuu.,aml wonthe world's championship against a bigfield. and covering H23 j.ule., 1 ,100 yards.In Marc h of the same j ear lie raced Wood-side for the woi Id's championship and wonit, making 1,001) 1-2 miles,, hicakwg theworld's record of i,007 miles. He wasthe first man in Amenta, to cover more than1,000 miles in six days.Among his oilier performances was asix-day match against Prince for Sl,000,which he lost by fourteen miles; an eighthour per-day rateat Minneapolis, in whichlie won second place, a tiianmilar 1 12-houriace. winch he won, doing 1 105 miles,beating the world'" it-cord, and in 1S83at Madison Squaie Gnidn, he Won thewoild's championship, making 1,000 miles,1 lap. which was recently luoken by Haleand half a do7en cither riders Sohoikhasnever leen in a six day race without winmug a prize, and In lias undoubtedly competed in "i.oie mk h c-onlests than any manliving. The coming iace here Will be hithirty third six day race. He is of German A'l'Ciican birth and hails from Minneapolis Minn.Hanv Maddox is a new man in thesix-day racing business, his first elfortbeing in the recent Madison Square contest, and he hails from Asbury Park,N. J He has been frequently seen inlocal races here, and he is known as a.strong, plucky lider.Fred. roster is rhe German champion, andhe has competed in but three six-dayraces in Ameiica. He won fourth place inthe recent six-day race m New York.Ned Reading is an old-time six-dayman, having wen six eight-hour-per-dayraces since he entered the profession. Heis a soldier oT the American Army, hiscompany being located at Fort Keogh,Mont., aid is one or the musicians ofthe regimental band. He is now on afurlough, and must shoitly return toduty, in his company. He Is a fast, strongrider, and a gteat stayer.Leaders al Madison Square.E. S Rice or Wilkesbarre, Pa , wholimshcd second In the Madison Squarerace. and won the American championship,was comparatively an unknown laccr oefore that contest, as he had never won asimilar race before. He is, not in thebest of condition, and it would not surprise the expeits to see him drop out ofthe coming contest early in the week.Fred. Albert is another of the Americanriders ai.d he ib considered an excellentman. He was entered in the recent NewYork race, but was so unrortunate as tobreak his collar bone while training. Heexpects to make a strong showing In thecoming race.George Ball, the local rider, is an unknown quantity as far as six-day contestsare concerned this being his first raceof the kind. He has heretofore raced inamateur ranks, this beiug his first appearance as a professional. His showing willhe watched with keen interest by localwheelmen.Or course the' .star of the English ridersIs Champion Hale. Edward Hale was bornnear Temple P.itrick, Belfast. ne hasbeen riding the bicycle since he was seventeen years old and has taken part Inhundreds of races at all distances. Hehas won many long-distance races mEngland, and in France he has often been.a winner In the long distance events. Hislongest race previous to winning the chain-Albert Sehoek.Fred Foster.pionship in New "York was a road eentbetween Paris and Rayon in France. Healso won a road race in England, coeringS70 miles, leaving his oilier competitorsmany leagues behind.He is a manof rather slight physique,and to the average observer does not betray the immense power of endurance orwhich he is possessed During the recentrace at Madison Square Gaiden he rodea wheel geared to '.o.'aiul he attributedthe ease with which he pushed it. to thepeculiar triangular-link chain which he, aswell as the other English racers use Haleis not in the best of condition after hislong race in New York and It would notsurprise any one to see him beatenHoy Rider From England.James Warburton, of England, is ayoungster of nineteen years, but lie haamade an enviable record already. Hisprincipal work, however, has been doneas pacemaker lor the Linton brothels andJimmy Michalcs.He rode some good races in France asan amateur, coming in close to .lacquehn.Mori n, and other French ridels or note.Joseph Hunter is a Frenchman by birth,hating Hrst mm-ii the light or day at Chantilly. He is the smallest man or theEnglish team, standing five feet, two.inches in height. He has done mostlypacing work, although lie has an enviablerecord as a road laccr, having made agreat showing in that luie in France.Chappie is another English rider whois expected to make a strong fight in thecoming race- He is a youngster also, butlie brings witli him a record or which anyrider might well be proud.Duldley Marks, who Is also entered, hasucted as the trainer or the English teamsince they came to this coittitr. Hisprincipal work has been pace-making TorLinton, although he has done some goodroad riding in England.The coining struggle between these notedriders will be a momentous eent in theannals or racing history, and no doubtwill attract crowds of people to the IcePalace during the entire progiess or therace.The following officials have been namedunder the sanction of the L. A W.vJUDGES-W. E. Crist.John Woerner,C.G Van HcodTIMEKEEPERSPaul Yon L'oeokman,Robert Dobbins,Joseph Cassius.The entriesfor the handicap on Christmasmorning were twenty in number, as follows: Frank Oyster, Charles H. Jcrman, S.O. Himmlck, J. II. Mllans, John WalteiB,Henry Walters, C. C. Colley, Paul V. Portlier, E. Y. Dimmick, E. J. Brady, J.H. Falconer, E. I. Maloney, Jr., How-aid.Hoover, E. E. Wakefield, Edward Hanenhowcr, E. L. Wilson, John F. Horan, BerryHlnuant, M. M. Merrill and Guy Harrison.The officers of the race are as follows.Judges W. E. Crist, R. B. Dobbins andWilliam Henshaw. Timers John Woernerand W. H.'Crandall. Scorers George Balier, James Bauby and R. L-. Dlmimck.The clerks were Frank Davidson and 13. E.Wakefield Starter George Ball, andhandicapper, W. S. McArthur.fanvG. IM ATHLETESDoings of Amateurs in Gymnasium , and Afield.The holiday season had its effecton localathletics, and this whs so particularly inattendance in class wbrk.But one game of league basketball wasA.nEEI01sr IRIDrEIE&S.Frank Waller Taking a Look.i Finnic Albeit.played, and two set of bowling gameswere rolled off, and honors for the weekwere about evenly divided among the contesting clubs. 'The Ssaengerbund'won one major leaguegame of tei.-piiis'and lost two in ttie reserveleague series.The Washington Athletics lost thyirbasketball game, but won the second leaguebowling set Tiie. Carrolls won one tenpin game hnd also landed the basketballgame.During the coming week the only contestin either league will b6 the games betweenthe Can oil Institute and W. A. C.'in thereserve bowling league series.The basketball game to be played by theLight Infantry and Carrolls, the big gameof the whole, series remaining to be played,scheduled for Saturday next, has beenannounced as postponed to January 4. Theannouncement, which comes from one teammanagement only, without authority orconsultation with the other, is meeting withsome opposition, and is-causlng much disappointment, as Saturday evening is considered the best game night in the week,and why it should be postponed to Mondayevening Is past utToptanding.The Infantry wIlL probably not agreeto tbe.postponemcnt, not only fortherea-fIII Slfrf Jft iRlli VV k Aillit" h i:is5&iJ8&-r !ls?sE. C. Bald as "White Wings."son ,glven, but because Mondays arc thecorps' drill nights.Manager Kobinson, of the Infantry basketball team, having ascertained that theinducements to enter the team IntheJanuary 30th Twenty-third Regiment N. Y,N.G. basketball tournament werelnsufficient,when the distance and expense are takeninto consideration, has decided not tosend the team. It is probable that a homeand homeserlcs with the Twenty-thlrdRegi-mentteam will he arranged upon the guarantee or the percentage system. The twomilitary organlzatoins are very friendly,Ned Reading.J. Ashlnger.and the visitors would undoubtedlyhequite a drawing card.Columbia Athletic Club.The athletic smoker at the ColumbiaAthletic Club last night was so great asuccess that the management may be prevailed upon to repeat it at an early day.The team, as well as individual -work,was of a high class and reflects greatcredit upon Pror. John Crossley, whohas developed and instructed so many excellent athletes and gymnasts.The ainuseiueuiiit committee Is workingup the details of the dress musical function to be given in the gymnasium onJanuary 13. Much orthetalent hasalreadybeensecured.nndof theremamingnumbersto be provided Tor talent Trom uut oftown will be made a featureDr. Harding is doing some excellentwork on the parallel bars. His work isneat and clean.Consuu 1 and Haycock are graceful intheir fence vaulting, which was made afeature of last night's exhibition.C. Dudley, who held the indoor polevault mcofd, is home spending the holidays, lie is an earnest worker, and willsooner or later be prominent In nationalfield athletics. While Franz topped thelocal record in above class of work onLaches' Day, it was only an exhibition,and does nut go as a record-Prof. Crossley Is working up a new-acrobatic turn with Torn Nolan and Dot,two promising Juniors, who always dowell.Jack Antrua is one of the most promising acrobats in the gym, and under Prof.Crossley will develop into a star.Alma Speare in a short time has developed into a good all-round man, ofwhom more may be expected.Avails has wonderrul muscular development, and is especially fine in his dislocations of back and arm muscles.Several members of Congress are takingregular exercise in the gym., and find muchbenefit tossing the medicine ball and usingpulley weights.Prof. Cartel's boxing classes are wellfilled, and the members learning the artof self-defense rapidly under the younginstructor, who is one of thecleverestboxersas well as one of the best boxing instructorshere.Moore has developed into a clever boxer,and is handling himself and the mitts ingood shape. Wood is likewise doing well.Ambrose is a sturdy youngster, and isamong the best in town at his weight.Van Lingren has earned a local leputationwith the mitts, and is of considerable assistance to the beginners m the art, as hemakes a patientand capable boxingpartner.The club members will hold their usualwatch-night meeting on next Thursday,with musical and other necessary accorapaniments.Carroll Institute Athletics.The bowling games played last night bythe Carroll Institute team with the Baltimore Athletic Club were the first of aseries of home games to be played bythe two teams. The date for the set tobe played in Baltimore has not yet beenfixed.The basketball team Is doing good work,as ttie result of its frequent and regularpractice. The change of Big Smith toenemy's goal is a good one, and he playedthe position so well in the first time therein the- game with the W. A. C. that heAmade a new local record by fielding sevengoals some of them very difficult. ' Withhim in his new position, and Oppeuheimeror Road at center, the team will henceforthbe much strengthened.Another of the series of basketball gamesJjy the C. I. and W. A. C. Juniors will beplayed during the coming week". A datehas not yet been fixed.The second or reserve bowling team willplay the final game in the- first serieswith the W. A. C. on Wednesday eveningon the home alleys.The Dramatic Club, under the coachtng ofJ. J. Skelley, of Philadelphia, Is makingsplendid headway in "A Night Off," whichwill bo presented on January 13 at Lafayette Theater, by permission or AugustiuDaly. The comedy requires skill ml handling, but the C. I. boys are equal to the task,and their hard practice will result in asplendid production.Washington Athletic Clnb.The members of the Washington AthleticClub are more than pleased with the workor the second reserve bowling team. Thetaking or two games rrom the Saengerbundon the 23d, was considered a splendid victory. Tne amusement committee hasahout perfected arrangements Tor the complimentaryhop to be given at the clubhouse on NewTear's evening, and an enjoyable time ispromised. Music will be furnished by theMarine Hand. Admission will be by card.Ten new members were elected at the lastmeeting and several applications are nowpending.Among the new members are severalstrong bowlers.President Brown has developed into quitea bowler and has recently rolled up homeheavy scores. He is credited with a 221game. In thissport, as in his general workfor the club, he is energetic, and the clubhas prospered wondcrrully under his management. The many new features he has:introduced have been successfully carriedout.The Junior basketball team is contemplating a trip to Baltimore to play a gamethere after the holidays The team has hada large gioup picture taken. The boys arevery proud or their showing and gratehuto the club Tor its general good treatmentThe league bowling team under Capt Klddmade a splendid shojvingin the series Jastcompleted, and hopes to do even better mthe one which begins January 4 in itsgames with the SaengerbundsLight Infantry Athletics.The errortto organize a basketball teamin each or the companies or the Wellington Light Infantry has failed Company Chas a team which is making a good showing, but as the rule which prevented members of the league team Trom playing onthese team: interfered with the organization or that Of Company D, to which nearlyall the league players belonged, that company was handicapped and made no furthereffort There the matter dropped.The league team is not taking as muchpractice as it should, and its failure to doso may handicap it when future gamesare played with strong teams.' Lee, ax right center.and McCab.-. at forward, are doing good work.McCalhran is putting up a good game.An erfort will be made after the holidays to introduce systematic ela-s workand training in gymnastics to develop thequantity of good material the corps has inits ranks.On Wedntday evening at S o'clock thecorps will have its annual enjoyabl.- Christmas festivities for the pleasure of thechildren and young relatives and friends ofthe members From a big Christmas treelit the middle of the armory Santa Clauswill distribute presents to the little onesand td the older ones candies From ! to11 an informal hop will be held. Admission will be by card only Children o,cnmpauying holders or cards will be admittedwithout cards. The committee having theafrair in charge consists or Capt AlliumNailor, chairman. Capt Andrew Kelly,Lieut. Jesse Grant, Quartermaster Sergeant S l House, Lieut. Wallach McCalhran. Sergt. A M Allison, and CorporalsH R MtCabeand F. W Burnett.Eastern Athletic Club.The members of the Eastern Athletic Clubbasketball team who remain in town duringthe holidays will keep up regular practice.The boys miss Capt Ed Raab and FrankRaab, who are spending a week in Baltimore.Cauliflower has proven to be an excellentplayer for the team, and is quite an additionCapt. Raab is to be complimented on hisJudgment in placing the new center. Hehas Just the right height and weight furthe position.Ockert and Hutchinson are now puttingup a brilliant game Likewise, wi'h AlRouse, who, when he gets oer the habitof "grounding," or falling on the bull,will be a tower of strength to the team.The election coutest for presidency of theclub is orr, as President R. R. Revill haslert the city Tor Covington, Ky., to accepta Federal orrice The club regrets verymuch to lose so valuable a member and sovalued an officer. He has proven himselfa most energetic ofricer, and carries withhim the best wishes of the entire membership, and its hope for his success in his newhome.Dunn, who is putting up a splendid game,will in the future play at home goal, whichis his natural position.Ellis, in the last game at the Infantryshowed decided improvement in his work.George Mansfield has surhciently recovered to return home. He will be unanimously elected president.Dr F L. Schaum is gaining followers asa candidate for the vice presidency, and ifelected will make a model orficer.Harry Bright, one of the most popularmembers of the club, will undoubtedly bere-elected corresponding secretary, and sowill-William Jef fers as financial secretary.Ed Raab will be unanimously re-electedcaptain, as he in deservedly very popular.The mam contest will be over the electionof nine members to serve as a board ofdirectors. The selection will be made fromamong about nineteen candidates. As somuch of the welfare of the club dependsupon the proper election of these directorstions of each candidate before castingtheir votes on the first Tuesday m January,which is election night.O. P. SCHMIDT.ff jsf ifeviiIMniumer. ManagerTeam.ForeignwouLDRKPOirr this coNurcronYoung "Woman Create a ScmwoaCrowded Cable Train- -Chireiyo ChmulrTe.The car was crowded to the dors with thetheater crowd, and when thepalelittle woman with the heavy baby entcn-1 she couldhardlygetlnsideatall. Shewa-vtpaletbat 'the passengers who saw her pooled herto be HI, but no sooner did ti conductorswing on behind her that i!. discoveredthat itwas wrath which wasrespfiiisiblefiurher pallor. Her thin face worked angrily,and her hard, bnght eyes fairly gleamedwith passion."I'll teach you fellers a lesson," was thegreeting which the astonished conductor received when he mildly demanded her fare.'"I'll teach you to pass. nicandleaveme waiting for a car with this great child in myarms!"The conductor stared at her in surprise.Then he smiled pacifically."I didn't pass you by. madam," he said.KentIy,"I raugchebell justthemomentyousignaled me.""But the man on the train in front of youdid," she retorted fiercely. "He never tookthe slightest notice of me only to yell forme to take the next car. 111 learn you totreat me like that," and she paid not thi-j-lightestattentioirto his outstreched hand."Fare, please, madam," he said quietly.ana sue turned upon mm ilKe a rury."Do you think I'm going to pay fareafter LeiBg inateii luce tint?" she- inquired loudlv "I'llgetoff the car first. You'llput meofr, will you? Just you try it, mym.ln. Just vou trv it "The conductor made no reply except toquietly reiterate his demand for her fare.,and a good, natured man by Ui door heldout a nickel" M par the lady' fare." he was commencing, when she faced upon hirnutden-iy-"You'll pay mv fare, will ? -shriekedmore loudly than ever, " You, thinks'ai a pauper, do vcu? I'll show yew,I'll ""But. Hindu m." "ee:H the" good naturedman, .soothingly. "I onlv"You speak to nie again and I'll throwthe baby at iou," "he shouted, brandishing the child threaten in glv "You IeS meoff this, car right awav and I'll go and re-1port you," turning to the conductor, andXed Reading at Work.the man was glad to comply. He rangthe bell immediately, and she tumbled, oftthe car almost before it stopped and turned to call a flood of shrill Invectives afterhim. When last seen she was hurryingalong Thirty-eiahth street in the directionof the new car barns, and the conductoisighed."1 always dread them little women," hesaid wearily "If she finds the manageror the superintendent she'll report me forthe Lord knows what,"And the man who had offered to payher fare was the first on the list otpWitnesses who were willing to testify m hiofavor.Preaehlnir vs. Practice."Did you know, Millie," said youngBatty, "the doctor say that when oneis reclining the heart makes- ten lessstrokes per minute than when unci is standing up?""I heard something like that," repliedMiliie. as she reclined her head on Mr.Batty's shoulder. "And do you kuowthe doctor said if I wasn't very, very careful, I'd have ueart trouble." Buffalo Times.dfilifIBItSra-LISIEp: BIDEBSrmlfmx' b hiiV73ilC.V,--Teddy Hale in a Hjmrt.S. Linton.A. Hunter,Dudley Marks.James War bur ton.C. Chappele.t Tom T.intoVi Scorching..., s.3s&,-. ip, r j..tAfy;-fS g-ia-fso-;.. -v .. . ?H 2ff7e9595c